What is SimpleAccess?
SimpleAccess is a smart access control solution for small and medium businesses who want affordable, keyless entry and are short on time. SimpleAccess will provide the expertise and manage the details for you with its start-to-finish service. We’ll update your system with smart technologies to save you time and money while enhancing convenience and image for your staff, customers, and visitors.
Is SimpleAccess the right choice for my business?
SimpleAccess is an ideal solution for small and medium businesses who want the benefits of a smart access control system and need it to be affordable and hassle-free. With SimpleAccess’s start-to-finish service, we manage the details of upgrading your system while you stay focused on your business.
What is required to use SimpleAccess?
The SimpleAccess system is flexible to meet your access control needs, whether its wired or wireless solutions; a new system; or integrating with a legacy system. For wireless lock and software usage, Wi-Fi coverage and an internet connection will be required.
Will SimpleAccess work with my legacy system?
The SimpleAccess system is flexible to meet your access control needs, whether its wired or wireless solutions; a new system; or integrating with a legacy system.
What type of doors work with SimpleAccess?
SimpleAccess is a flexible solution that works with a wide range of doors and access points. From exterior to interior doors, gates to elevators, we’ll help identify the right solution for your needs.
Can I add additional doors later?
Adding doors, access points, buildings, or locations is easy on SimpleAccess. The access control system scales easily and is designed to grow with you.
What does it cost?
Each system is unique based on your needs, facility layout, and solution design. By using smart technologies, SimpleAccess makes upgrading to smart access control affordable, with many projects seeing cost savings of up to 75% versus traditional systems. And, we make it hassle-free by managing the details. For a quote on your system needs, please contact our solution design experts at 833.413.0212.