Events can be seen from the events timeline located on the dashboard tab on the right-hand side of the page.
On the dashboard, the events timeline will indicate a RED locked icon when the door had a lock event occur. The event will display the lock's name, the date and time of the lock event, and the source of the lock event. The source could be 'Device' (meaning the lock was physically locked at the device by using a * * [star star] command). The source could be "User" indicating that a user locked the lock using the thumb turn (5i model). Or, the source could be 'Wifi' indicating the lock was locked remotely through the portal by using the lock command toggle.
The reason that the event would indicate that a "user" locked or unlocked the door is that the method was "knob". 'Method' could be knob, pin, or auto lock. If 'Knob' is indicated it means that the lock was manually locked or unlocked using a key or the thumb turn on the inside of the lock (5i model). The lock has no way of associating this action to an actual user because it is a purely mechanical function. The only time that the user will show up as "user" is when it was a knob turn, an invalid code entry, or a local code. All of these methods bypass the locks ability to determine who exactly used them for obvious reasons.
The events timeline will indicate a GREEN unlocked icon when the door had an unlock event occur. An unlock event will indicate the lock name, date and time of the unlock, and the source of the unlock. The source could either be a user, wifi, or device.
The yellow exclamation icon is displayed when an Access Denied event occurs. If a user attempts an invalid code, the lock will deny access, and the event will return this yellow icon. The lock name, date and time of the access denial event, as well as the source information, will all be displayed. If there is a pin code registered in your account that is associated with a user, and that code was attempted on a lock which it did not have access to or before or after the start/end time for that code, the user's name (connected to that pin code) will be associated as the source.
For additional information, please see the more in-depth events page located in the Advanced > Reports tab.
Or see the specific lock's Events tab.
Please see our Reports article for more information.