To access the Guest Message Times tab, start by clicking 'Advanced', 'Automated Emails', then 'Guest Message Times' tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
Setting Guest Notification Times will automate the delivery of your guest's access pin and instructions before their stay. Up to 3 notification emails can be sent to your guests. These notification emails can be automatically queued when reservations are received from any booking integration partner (like Airbnb or HomeAway) or when guest codes are created within your account.
To set up a guest notification time, click the 'Add Guest Message Time' button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Start by selecting one of the 'Time' options and clicking 'Create'
The times available for selection are 'Immediately', '7 Days Before Start Time', '6 Days Before Start Time', '5 Days Before Start Time', '4 Days Before Start Time', '3 Days Before Start Time', '2 Days Before Start Time', 'A Days Before Start Time', '12 Hours Before Start Time', and '4 Hours Before Start Time'.
After clicking 'Create' you'll see a 'Guest Message Time saved successfully' message and the corresponding event created in the list.
From this list, you can Edit and update the Guest Message Time by clicking the pencil icon, Delete or remove the Guest Message Time by clicking the Trash icon, or create another Guest Message time by clicking the 'Add Guest Message Time' button again.
You can add up to three (3) Guest Message Times which will apply to every new booking, reservation, or listing in your account (unless commanded otherwise at the time of creation).
Please note, there is a maximum number of 3 Guest Messages that can be applied per account.