Installer Tips:
- The Name chosen for the reader through enrollment will be on every mobile credential invite email.
- Once enrolled, use the installer app an go to "Configure" while near the reader. Confirm that "Card Type" is set to FSK and not ASK.
- In the configure section, "Read Range" is for the BLE read range and not RFID.
- Touching the reader, or if it gets too close to unshielded AC current and some RF environments, the reader will be prompted to scan for credentials.
- If the reader LED is constantly cycling at the door, confirm that the Auto sense selection in the configuration section is not selected. Reset the reader and re-enroll it.
- If the reader LED is still constantly cycling, install the reader directly to the ACS board. If it is no longer constantly cycling, there is an issue with the RF environment at the door, and will need to be remedied.
See also:
Installation Guide for SR3 Mobile Access Reader
SimpleAccess SR3 Mobile Reader Setup
Video on adding an SR3 to an ACS system
SimpleAccess Mobile App Usage Overview
FAQs | SR3 Mobile Access Reader
Issuing Mobile Key Credentials with SimpleAccess Admin Software