ACS Installation Checklist
NOTE: The following checklist should be consulted before, during, and prior to considering an ACS installation complete.
NOTE: An installation is NOT considered complete until a test code has been created on the end user’s SimpleAccess Software account, and ALL devices have been successfully tested. If the install includes cards or mobile credentials, a test should be made to confirm the operability of these credentials on the installs’ supported devices.
NOTE: Install Completion requires creating a location, registering the device, and creating and testing a user; as such, an installer will need access to the end user’s account, or the Account Owner must register ACS and provide the installer with a credential to test devices. Instructions for this are in the document: Testing ACS Installation.
- Every ACS Panel kit comes with an enclosure insert with QR codes linked to important resources. These should be referred to prior and during ACS installation.
- To save yourself headaches and damanging equipment for which you are liable, ACS Installation Tips & Warnings should be read prior to installation.
- NOTE: All ACS Panels and SR3 Access Readers are tested prior to shipment to verify their operability. Improper installation leaves the installer liable for replacement. The most common occurrences of this are connecting readers while ACS power is on, or crossing or shorting terminals on the boards; resulting in non-functioning readers and/or blown controller boards.
- Each kit comes with an AC appliance cable that needs to be connected to the kit’s power supply and run through one of the enclosure’s pilot holes.
- AC connection on the enclosure, as well as the AC connection of any network equipment, should be installed to/behind a surge-protected outlet.
- If connecting to a fire alarm control panel, refer to this document: Setting up FAI (Fire Alarm Interface) Connection
- The ACS controller relays are dry contacts, so for managing a locking mechanism that requires power, a circuit needs to be made with the D8 power zones, the locking mechanism, and the positive power side should be intercepted by the ACS relay. Consult the wire diagrams for electric strike and maglock circuit setups.
- The QR code to ACS Wire diagrams should be used to gather the proper wire diagram for installation. The link to all wire diagrams can also be found here
- On every controller or expansion panel, the configuration sets “Door 1” as reader port 1 and relay output 1. “Door 2” as reader port 2 and relay output 2. Completing registering this device to the SimpleAccess software account/portal will put this programming in place.
- Readers should be installed while system is powered off or could cause shorting in the data line. Improper installation of the reader may void warranty of the system.
- If Installing the 1502 controller, there will be a set of MAC address stickers attached to the coin cell battery: these need to be moved for safekeeping, or at least pulled off of the coin cell battery compartment so that the battery is connected to the board.
- If using a mobile access reader and mobile credentials, refer to the following for registration here
- To finish the installation, complete the Testing ACS Installation document.
(This is the end of ACS Installation Checklist)